Many people overindulge during the holiday season. The amount and variety of foods consumed can often lead to abdonimal bloating and gas. Here are some suggestions to alievate these symptoms as published by The American College of Gastroenterology and reprinted below.
Belching is caused by swollowing air from eating or drinking too fast; not chewing food completely; drinking carbonated beverages; chewing gum or sucking on hard candies; excessive swollowing due to nervous tension or post-nasal drip; and lastly forced belching to relieve abdominal distress.
Abdominal bloating and discomfort may be due to intestinal sensitivity or symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Foods to avoid include broccoli, baked beans, cabbage, carbonated drinks, cauiliflower, gum, and hard candy.
Abdominal distention results from weak abdominal muscles. To prevent abdominal distensiontighten abdominal muscles by pulling in your stomach several times during the day. Do sit ups exercises if possible. Wear an abdominal support garment if exercise is too difficult.
Flatulence is gas created through bacterial action in the bowel. Foods that are likely to form gas include: milk & dairy products; certain vegetables such as baked beans, cauiliflower, broccoli and cabbage; and certian starches such as wheat, oats, corn and potatoes. Rice is an excellent substitute.
If your symptoms persist post- holiday season, please contact your physician.
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